Granville County's Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Agency

24/7 Crisis Lines: English (919)-693-5700; Espanol (919)-690-0888

If this is an emergency, call 911

All services are at-will, free and confidential.

Regardless of race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation, immigration status, or military status.

here to help!

Ensuring Language Access services is critical to protecting the life and safety of victims and survivors with limited English proficiency and their children. 

Special training includes Domestic Violence 101 and Sexual Assault 101. Individual and Group Sessions. 

Services include groups and workshops focusing on self-discovery and self-image, communication skills, stress and money management.

To ensure immediate safety, victims will be assisted in finding emergency safe shelter placement.

Trained advocates are available 24/7 to provide support through crisis intervention, an assessment of needs, the identification of options, safety planning, referrals, education, and prevention in the community.

Arrangements for transportation may be made where required, to go somewhere safe or to access necessary services. 

Violence prevention classes are taught at local schools and after-school programs. Students learn about healthy relationships, gender role stereotypes, conflict resolution, and building self-esteem.

Speakers are available to present programs to professional and community groups, corporations and the faith community on domestic and sexual violence dynamics, prevalence, and prevention. Tabletop displays are also available for health and educational fairs.

Advocacy counselors are available who understand the dynamics of domestic and sexual violence. Confidential sessions are held on a walk-in or appointment basis. We also provide an address confidentiality program, which allows clients to keep their location confidential. 

Court advocates provide support to victims in both civil and criminal proceedings providing information on available legal options (i.e., protective orders, criminal charges), what to expect and how to prepare for a hearing, referral to other agency services, and safety planning. We do not provide legal advice; however, free Legal Clinics are available to answer questions about separation, divorce, child custody, immigration, criminal proceedings and civil orders. Hospital advocates accompany victims to the hospital for forensic exams.