Granville County's Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Agency

24/7 Crisis Lines: English (919)-693-5700; Espanol (919)-690-0888

If this is an emergency, call 911

Families Living Violence Free is Granville County’s domestic violence and rape crisis center. Incorporated as a 501(c)(3) in 2004, we are certified by the Governor’s Crime Commission and the North Carolina Council for Women/Domestic Violence Commission ad the designated Domestic Violence and Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault service provider to victims in our county.

Organizational Overview: Families Living Violence Free is governed by a board of directors which is actively engaged in determining our strategic direction, defining our goals, and objectives as related to our mission, and evaluating the success of our services toward achieving our mission. The board also ensures that our resources are managed effectively with proper financial controls in place to remain accountable to our donors and the public. 

All of our services are free and confidential, Families Living Violence Free provides services regardless of immigration status, age, physical or mental ability, gender identity or expression, race, creed, sexual orientation, or religious beliefs. 

“Giving Voice and Support to Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Victims”